Blinking and the days fly by so quickly...
Happy New Year everyone. Hope yours is already off to a stellar start!?
To be honest, I am really happy to have said goodbye to 2010... I know it's a little too far in to the new year to be looking back already (I maybe should have made this post on the 1st!), but in spite of it being a year full of a lot of happy things (my move to Belfast being one of them, Angus coming in to our little family etc) - it really did kick our arses!
Starting last January off with Swine Flu had me on my back for months, barely able to work and feeling very sick and emotionally drained... those feeling really only began to abate a few months ago - and I'm finally feeling stronger now. I have been struggling with a very painful stomach since the Summer, and on Monday, finally got my confirmed diagnosis of IBS from a gastroenterologist. Stress management is all that is to be done... so let's hope less finds us this year, egh?
Worse still, for me, has been seeing Mister Bell unwell. Hospitalised the monday before Christmas, very suddenly (again), I hate more than anything seeing him ill and can't wait for this year to bring some resolution to that... our first Christmas living together wasn't quite what it should have been, but it was together no less and we can't wait for all the rest of them, to roll by, more quietly...
My life is completely full of love and happiness (the mister and the pooch alone more than see to that!) so this year, I am just wishing for health for us both... oh, and a little wealth wouldn't go astray but it's not top of the list! ;)
Already, we have had some exciting news about fantastic new stockists for our homewares... you can read more here (I am over the top!)... and we are drinking to our health with yummy juice from our new juicer!
Looking forward to Spring and all our plans to expand abigail*ryan (a garden studio is on the horizon!)... I should be popping in to this space, but as my life has moved on, I feel a little more comfortable over in this space, telling you what we've been up to. Maybe it's just that so much has changed, a new space feels better, or maybe it's just that keeping two up is too much?!
BUT, I truly love hearing from all the people who stop in to my blog, so I would love if you would stop in and see me in the new(er) space, too...
Wishing everyone a truly fantastic 2011 - and that you all find and/or enjoy your health, wealth and happiness (love!)...
More soon,