Holy-Moly......what a week {two??..who knows?}....that's me finished the collection for Dazzle and it's in the post now!! 59 pieces makes it the biggest body of work I have prepared to go to one place to date - and boy! what a lot of hard work it was too....soooo tired, but pleased. Pictured above are some hastitly taken shots of some new designs that went with....they are not great pictures, but I was pushed for time - and will photograph them again at some point for the 'records'....;) I have to say - I had not been out for a week I was working so hard...and when I opened the front door today to go to the post office I smelt Autumn for the first time this year - mmmm
So, over the next few weeks I still have plenty to be getting on with - I have numerous orders to get out over the next few days that I have been plodding away on for the last wee while {juggle, juggle}...and another large collection to go to another gallery in a few days too. It's all go! On top of that I need to start preparing my books properly as tax returns have to go in in January...which when you consider how crazy things get around Christmas and how scarily time starts to speed up {already started to, right?} it will be here in no time.
But for tonight - I think a good DVD and a little bit o' vino is called for to celebrate {that, and tidying up the nuclear fall out that is my studio!}.........please do check out Janet Bell's new website which just re-launched yesterday {it is looking great!!!} with her wonderful paintings and new range of prints , and her new blog just up last night too!.....Janet is going to be going along to opening of the Dazzle show -- so, once again if there is anyone else in the area {even if you don't regularly comment here, but happen to stop by!} who would like some tickets - do drop me a line {still 3 tix going!!!!}...I don't know anyone in Manchester so don't want them to go to waste!! {there will be live music and refreshments ;)}......
Happy Wednesday friends.....xox {and sorry for my absence over the last few days too!!}