Olive Leaf Necklace - 18ct gold plated silver pierced leaf, large dark smokey quartz beads strung on heavy bead cord.
Original Price £300.00 - SALE PRICE: £165.00
3 necklaces available!

Begonia Outline Earrings - 18ct gold plated silver.
Large intricately pierced outline earrings - one of a kind!
Original Price £225.00 - SALE PRICE: £140.00
SOLD - thank you :)
SOLD - thank you :)
Hi everyone... part three of my studio clear out is up today!
Another pair of earrings {one off outline earrings this time!}, and an amazing necklace {which was featured in a fab photoshoot a few years back!} - which I happen to have three of, so hopefully there will be less disappointed emails to answer ;)
Thanks so much for embracing the studio clear-out so heartily, it's quite sad to be letting some of these pieces go - but we also have a huge amount of money to raise to help pay for the move, so it is necessary as well as good to purge and start afresh in the studio!! Every piece I sell is an amazing help towards paying for the move, so thank you all very much...
Mister Bell's parents came over at the weekend to spend a few days in Glasgow and took a car-full of abigail*ryan stock back to Belfast {which had been here for the Christmas rush!} so I feel like stage one has commenced... now we just need to load vans with my whole flat full of things {how do you gather SO much stuff by the age of 26?!} and get it all across the water come May...
But one thing at a time... and working through the workshop is a great start! ;)
Hope you all had a lovely weekend...
Back soon, xo