Friday, November 23, 2007

Almost, but not quite...

As you all know...I had a festive shop update planned for today - however, realising that it is National 'Buy Nothing Day' [today and tomorrow, depending on what part of the world you are in!]....I have decided to honour that wonderful sentiment, with which I heartily agree, and postpone the 'decking out' until Monday.

[Note :: for hard-core consumers...this means there will be some extra pieces available come Monday as I will have the weekend to rustle up some more pieces - so your patience will be rewarded ;)))]

Thanks so much for waiting a little bit - and I hope you can all join in with the 'buying nothing' as much as possible [and then let loose on Monday of course!! ;)] ....
Have a wonderful weekend, and see you next week for the grand unveiling,


Anonymous said...

Buy nothing day! That's a good idea and a possibility to think about this shopping all over (in the blogs too).

KELLY said...

good things come to those who wait xx

lisa solomon said...

looking forward to monday.
have a great weekend sweets!

Alexandra Hedberg said...

"buy nothing day" - ha! Most my days are "buy nothing days". Without not even trying! Sometimes I do buy food and art supplies (for my work) - but I assume that's not what people creating that day were thinking you should "not buy".

Your jewelleries look nice.