Thursday, August 07, 2008


Oh thank goodness...back to normal working order - I was beginning to freak out. It is only when you are separated from your blog unwillingly you realise how essential it actually is to you! Reunited and it feels so goooood...and all that ;)

So...I have decided not to push my luck today...and to take it a little easy on the 'ol blog - sharing some moments from the week. I have been out for some nice long walks, despite the regular rain showers - my camera came with, ready to capture moments of shine....I have been bloom hunting as well. Getting just the right flowers for the new necklaces has proved tricky...I am almost there though.

Also wanted to share some of the loot I got from my stone dealer last week - mostly Smokey Quartz beads...for some big Christmas season necklaces...but also some dreamy big briolettes - just look at the size of them!! Cannot wait to turn those into some stunner earrings....

I am off to a wedding tomorrow - so am starting the weekend early. What are your plans for the weekend? tell! I am going to be out dancing, having dinner cooked for me by friends and trying to put my week of non-publishing hell behind me....!! Next week I will start fresh and share all those things I have been promising to for goodness knows how long now ;)

Before I go, just wanted to share this link - Paper plants from Yuko Yamamoto {I can't recall where I found the link originally..thank you to whoever shared!}...they are so inspiring and beautiful.

xo to all.


Anonymous said...

hey dude! thanks for the link. off on hols for a week on saturday, so please hold back on sending anything until back as i'd hate to miss it! have fun at the wedding xx

shari said...

hi sweet a. it seems like we've been having similar weather. can't wait to see those stunner earrings! i heart that smokey quartz. this weekend we are hoping to enjoy popcorn and a movie, a nice dinner out, a trip to the farmer's market and if we are lucky tapas while listening to a trombonist. enjoy the wedding. miss you. xo

lisa solomon said...

welcome back! :)

your loot is GORGEOUS!

Welcome Home said...

enjoy your long weekend (always the best kind..), I love your treasure trove! x

Abby Mac said...

Hello Abigail,

I got your link from the blog of a friend and I love your work. We share the same passion (as well as the same name): gems and handmade jewelry. May God keep on blessing you with lots of health and talent and success.
hugs from Portugal
Abigail Macedo