Phew...I feel a bit better now, that's me got about half of the diffusion collection uploaded onto Flickr now..still a bit to come yet (about 10 more designs)..and I will of course keep creating new ones! I am trying to get all the jewellery I have in at the moment catalogued before it gets sent off to galleries this week...hopefully to be someone's Valentines' present!!
I have had a few people say they would like to see the jewels on a model to see how they sit...and to judge the scale etc.. I think that is a great idea and is something I have been thinking about for some time. It is so hard to think of who to use though..as, in a way they also represent your work...{I would model the jewellery myself but I am 5ft 11" tall, so the scale would be all out...actually that's something I really need to be careful about when I am designing..not making my jewellery too big (Abigail size), and instead think about the average female height instead... Sob.. :D } The models clothing would need to be so considered as well...yikes! It is certainly on my 'thing to do/think about' list!!
Thanks to all who have left such kind and encouraging comments, both here, and on my photo's at Flickr (and on various other blogs too)....it really does brighten my day! It's nice to be able to test the market this way too..as I don't have a retail outlet of my own to judge peoples reaction to the work, so getting feedback is great!