...I get the chance to catch up and tend to online things [like emails, checking up on blog reading, blogging...] after a busy weekend [bank holiday weekend here and my Mum's birthday too]....so this is me just beginning my week really. Spent some time today making some simple summer necklaces {above}...pierced silhouettes in sterling silver sheet, on short silver chains....sometimes it is nice to take the saw for a walk :)I have been tagged by Paola to reveal seven random facts about myself [why can you never really think of anything in a situation like this?!!]...so here goes....
1 :: I want a dog something bad [a Lakeland Terrier to be specific, I would call him Charlie].
2 :: When I get tired, I can't bear getting my hands dirty - which is ironic, considering what I do and how often I get tired.
3 :: When reading hard-back books, I always have to take the paper cover off, otherwise I spend the whole time worrying I will rip the paper.
4 :: I am a procrastinator [maybe I am just lazy?]....but I always do this because I know I do better under pressure.
5 :: Sean Connery went to the same primary school as me.
6 :: I flit between thinking the grass is always greener and knowing it is probably not.
7 :: I would happily stay in bed till lunchtime every day if I could.
...I won't tag anyone, but feel free to join in if you like :)
I enjoyed browsing the Sally Scott website, which I found this past weekend via kurashi-kurashi :)
Happy Tuesday everyone.....xx